Get That Job: A Series of Workshops

Join us in the first of a series of workshops aimed at helping women in Rushmoor get back into employment with experienced advice and practical support.   CV and Cover Letter Writing | Presented by Purple CV Weds 26th June 1130-1330 Aldershot Enterprise Centre...

The Advantages of Co-Working Spaces

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, co-working spaces have gained popularity as flexible work environments. They can offer various advantages for freelancers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, remote workers, and even traditional businesses who may not have previously thought of...

Aldershot Enterprise Centre Officially Opens!

Local businesses and tenants of the Aldershot Enterprise Centre came together at the Grand Opening of the new office premises on Victoria Road in central Aldershot on Friday 29th September. The Mayor of Rushmoor Borough Council, Councillor Clive Grattan officially...

Aldershot Enterprise Centre to move to central town location

Aldershot Enterprise Centre is moving on 1st August 2023 to a prime location in the centre of Aldershot close to the train station. Managed by WSX Developments and with support from Rushmoor Borough Council, the modern premises will offer a range of services for small...

Charity who promotes employment for disabled people delighted to be moving to our new central Aldershot location

Laura Davis is the CEO of national member charity, The British Association for Supported Employment (BASE). The charity is the national voice for providers of specialist employment support. They promote the principles and delivery of high-quality supported employment services and work to improve the employment rates of disabled and disadvantaged people.

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